You will never guess what land animal eats plants 20ft underwater!

Canada is known for its incredible mountainous landscapes, short summers, and harsh winters. So when it comes to getting enough food when it starts getting a little scarce, Moose, the largest of the deer family, have learned to become more than a little creative.

Moose are incredibly good swimmers, more so than other plant-eating species they share food with on land. So when winter has all but destroyed edible plants on land, moose can be seen diving up to 20ft underwater to eat the preserved water plants in lakes that others can’t reach! These plants are also higher in minerals and nutrients than land plants, so they are perfect for fattening up before the big freeze hits.


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Photo: Moose by Alex Butterfield licensed under Creative commons 6

Author: Admin

I'm Adam, the Admin of the website and I spend way too much time online! If I find something fun and worth sharing, I will do it here!