The world famous Galileo that never searched the skies

In fact, this Galileo had considerably more about him than the famous 16th-century Italian physicist and astronomer. An extra pair of legs for starters (and starts were very important)!

This Galileo is a retired Irish Thoroughbred racehorse, winning six of his eight races, including The Derby, almost two decades ago. But that isn’t why he’s enduringly famous. His legend lives on as a sire, in fact, the leading one in Great Britain and Ireland in 2008 and then 2010-18 inclusive.

He is top of the earnings list, having sired horses that have won 92 races, and just short of $20m in prize earnings. Amazingly, after stopping racing, a horse is described as being ‘retired to stud’. Wish all our retirements could be this successful!


Author: Admin

I'm Adam, the Admin of the website and I spend way too much time online! If I find something fun and worth sharing, I will do it here!