You thought doll horror movies were scary? You haven’t seen this island!

Probably the most disturbing and freaky tourist attraction on the face of the earth is a tiny island near Mexico City. Remember all those awful horror movies you saw as a child? Well, the only thing worse than horror movies is the real thing. The Island of the Dolls has a great array of dolls, hanged on everything that can hold one. There are hundreds of dolls. The story behind this inspires terror as well. It was created to commemorate the drowning of a little girl, which gave rise to stories of the dolls coming alive at night, given life by the girl’s spirit. Yikes!


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Photo: Sindy's benny by sⓘndy° licensed under Creative commons 5

Author: Admin

I'm Adam, the Admin of the website and I spend way too much time online! If I find something fun and worth sharing, I will do it here!