The Mysterious Journey Of Napoleon’s Privates

Napoleon, a towering figure, was a bogeyman for the British people (despite his supposedly diminutive character) and a military genius back then. Napoleon died in 1821 and was buried in Paris, but the strange thing is, the little Napoleon rests in New Jersey!

During the autopsy, his doctor surreptitiously chopped off his penis and gave it to a priest, who managed to smuggle it to Corsica. Despite a bizarre death of the priest in a greasy blood vendetta, the small Napoleon managed to exchange hands through several generations. The collectible was once on display in 1924 where one newspaper said it resembled a shriveled eel while The Times described it as a “badly treated strip of a buckskin shoelace”. It was later purchased for $3,000 in 1977 by a professor, John Lattimer. Today, Napoleon’s privates are in custody of Evan, the daughter of Lattimer.

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Photo: Napoleon by keith.bellvay licensed under Creative commons 4

Author: Admin

I'm Adam, the Admin of the website and I spend way too much time online! If I find something fun and worth sharing, I will do it here!