The Illuminati Is Not Only in Modern Music.. but Classical as Well!

Most of us that are “woke” can see the heavy infiltration of Illuminati symbolism and ritualistic behavior in the music industry from the 1960s into current music today. But did you know that there could have been some of that influence in the classical music era as well? In 1713, Giuseppe Tartini, Venetian Baroque composer, dreamt that he’d sold the devil his soul. In the dream, the devil played a masterful sonata with his violin. When Tartini woke up, he composed Violin Sonata in G minor. Move aside Lady Gaga, Rihanna, and Jay-Z – Giuseppe’s in the house!

Author: Admin

I'm Adam, the Admin of the website and I spend way too much time online! If I find something fun and worth sharing, I will do it here!