Gandhi was a Warlord

Gandhi, the human being that most epitomizes peace, is depicted as a warmongering jerk in Sid Meier’s strategy game – Civilization: Beyond Earth. The developers of Civilization claim to accurately represent history, but when you play the game, Gandhi’s civilization is bloodthirsty and is quick to use nuclear weapons to annihilate your civilization.

You will be happy to note that the developers of the game are committed to portraying history accurately, and their apparent misrepresentation of Gandhi was due to a bug. Gandhi was originally given the lowest aggression rate in the game, but when democracy was adopted, Gandhi’s numbers were pushed back to a negative value of 255-, which corresponded with the highest level aggression, giving rise to the warlord Gandhi.


Author: Admin

I'm Adam, the Admin of the website and I spend way too much time online! If I find something fun and worth sharing, I will do it here!