Could you take part in the world’s longest horse race?

However keen you are as a rider, this particular gallop might give you pause for thought. First raced a decade ago, the Mongol Derby crosses the vast wilderness of the Mongolian Steppe. And, oh yes, you’d be aboard locally reared, semi-wild horses, owned by local herder nomadic families.

The race is a mere thousand kilometers long and takes ten 6am-8pm days to complete. Thankfully, the horses are changed every forty kilometers or so, with the riders themselves making the choice – to try and match the animal’s temperament to their own.

It’s based on the postal system created by Mongol Emperor Genghis Khan to communicate across his vast empire. Now there’s a man who could really have appreciated the internet!

mongol derby

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Author: Admin

I'm Adam, the Admin of the website and I spend way too much time online! If I find something fun and worth sharing, I will do it here!