Wait, they used WHAT to make the velociraptor noises in Jurassic Park?

Everyone remembers that tense sequence in Jurassic Park when Tim and Lex hide in the kitchen while two velociraptors hunt them down. But did you know the raptors’ shrill barking is actually the sound of a tortoise having sex?

It’s true! Since nobody knows what noise real dinosaurs made, sound designer Gary Rydstrom decided to use the calls of modern animals, adjusting them here and there to create an “otherworldly” sound for the film’s dinosaurs. While visiting a wild animal park, Rydstrom caught the amorous tortoise in the act and recorded it. He made a few tweaks, and voila! Velociraptor!

Source: https://www.vulture.com/2013/04/how-the-dino-sounds-in-jurassic-park-were-made.html

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Author: Admin

I'm Adam, the Admin of the website and I spend way too much time online! If I find something fun and worth sharing, I will do it here!